Thursday, May 16, 2013


Even after the Foster care orientation and the depressing video narrated by Morgan Freeman, I still want to do this. :). In fact I'm a little more anxious! I went alone to the orientation since Albert had to be home with Antonio which was kind of a bummer but it's ok. I do my PRIDE training, which is 27hrs of training over 5 days, in July then all we have to do is the first aide/blood borne pathogens course and we'll be done...for now. Oh and the 100 pages (ok maybe only 20, see the stack in the picture below!) of application/background check and personal information. If I "pass" this then I must be ok! Ha!

Happily all we have to get is a fire extinguisher, fire escape ladder for upstairs and a twin bed for the bedroom; all we need/should get just to have anyways! This prepping will make us and our home much better and safer in the long run! Thanks in advance for all your praying and support! 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

You're not my REAL Mom

That is one of my biggest fears, one of many at least, about adopting.

I have many worries/fears, selfish ones for the most part. What if they (they kid) doesn't like me or better yet doesn't want to live here. Maybe they have lived in other homes that were "better"? What if they just want their biological Mom; after all, I am not their REAL Mom which leads me to what if they throw at me the whole, "You're not my real Mom" argument? Another reason why I am hoping for a younger child with minimal other homes they had been in. I did find this blog post that someone I follow on Twitter linked and am glad I did. It is also a good post for Mother's Day weekend! You don't have to be a biological Mom to be a real Mom!