Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Part time girl in a full time job

Starting April 1st I will be officially part time at work! But only by chance. 

This better NOT be a April Fools day joke.

As of April 1st the Burlington branch is closing and both employees that work at that location are losing their jobs...or maybe not. That's where I jump in. As you know I have been looking for a part time job that will give us enough income to be stable yet also allow me to stay home more with Antonio. As soon as I heard the news about the branch closing the wheels started turning. 

"I could work PT and the other guy, Manny, could work the other half of the day"

The more I got excited about the thought of it the more reality set in. Why would Manny agree to that? He is just about at retirement age and could just ride out unemployment and within a year retire. That would consist of him driving an hour (probably closer to 2) each way to work just for part time hours. Heck, I doubt I would even consider that. Does he like his job that much? But I had to try.

I casually messaged him to tell him I was sorry about the branch closing and asked him if he would just retire. He said he still really wanted to work. I asked him, "badly enough to drive to Mukilteo for work?" And to my surprise he said, "possibly." That was all the bait I needed to attempt to put my plan in action. We chatted a few more min about a possible plan that would keep his job and I could only work part time. I emailed our boss with our thoughts and he proposed it to upper management. To our surprise they agreed to it with only a few "issues". One being health insurance. They would not pay for both of but of course, that was ok because I get benefits through Albert's work. Phew. Also, we wouldn't get as much vacation time next year. Ok, fine. And sick pay would change, somewhat significantly but with working less hours that would be ok to. And no more shared work benefits through the state...boo but I figured that.

So Manny created a job share type schedule where I will work Monday/Tuesday and half day Wednesday and he will work the other half of Wednesday and then Thursday/Fridays! Then in September we will switch our work days so I can take Antonio to preschool! So he and I will fulfill a full time position as two part timers. And who know with that branch closing we may be busier this Summer and need a little extra help so that would come in handy!

I am beyond excited about this. :) Funny thing is, so is Manny. He claims that I am his hero and that i am saving his job when in reality he is helping me! Its a win-win! Lets just hope this all works out as we hope it will and that we stay busy enough through next Winter that we can make it work then as well. Next Christmas could be rough! Money will be a bit tighter, especially at first until we get used to it but in my opinion, so worth it. 

Now all my "idea's" I've been wanting to try/do with Antonio and all the little DIY stuff around the house may actually happen! I am also thrilled Antonio will get to go to preschool in the Fall. I am so excited for him! Now if we could find a way so Antonio didn't have to attend daycare as well we would be coming out on top! I know, one thing at a time. If that is meant to be I have to believe it will happen; after all this did! Keep praying (or sending good vibes, your choice) that it will all work out!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Stuck in a rut

Running has been hard for me lately. Hard like it takes major mental convincing to get dressed to go run. And maybe a little bit a fear of not running and its side effects. When I do convince myself to run its a hard run. I get tired quickly, my breathing is much quicker and I just want to be done; like how I felt when I first started to run. I'm not sure why this is but it's frustrating. And that "runners high" that you get when your done...not so high lately. :/  What's even more strange is that I have been incorporating more veggies into my diet. Red pepper, carrots and cucumber to be exact. Almost everyday with lunch. So I am eating better yet feeling worse and more blah. Before you start to wonder, Mom, no I am not pregnant. I just get done with my period last week so in fact I should be feeling better.

Ever since we got back from California I have felt out of sorts. Tired, frustrated, emotional, mopey and just really not caring. :/ I chalked it up to PMS for the first week or so but that has come and gone and I'm still not feeling better. Then I started wondering if this SAD, Seasonal Affect Disorder, was a real thing (I know it's real but I'm pretty sure I've never "had" it). I mean I went from sunny and warm California to dark, dreary rainy days. Usually us PNWers are eased into the gloom and doom of Fall and Winter. But I went from low 70's and sun to low to mid 40's and clouds/rain. I don't know but maybe I got a little slice of SAD.

Or maybe it was the passing of my Aunt, that by the way I never did go see (major regret once again. one excuses after another.)? Then missing her funeral because I was in California. Maybe missing out on all of that bothered me more than I realize. As terrible as this sounds, it would have been an "easy" way to see a lot of that side of my family that I haven't seen in years, for most the number is double digit. :(

Or maybe this whole Preschool thing is weighing on me more that I realize? All Antonio talks about is going to a new preschool and I can't give that to him.

Or maybe it's the fact I still haven't found a part time job that meets my needs (they are pretty specific I will admitt) so I can stay home with Antonio...and take him to Preschool? I don't know.

Side note:
And by the way, for all those people that don't have jobs and say there aren't any.....I call BULL S%*T.  There are so many entry level jobs out there. I get call backs on ones that can only offer me minimum wage that I turn down because I need more than that. This whole, there are no jobs thing is ridiculous. If you are out of a job and have no income put aside your pride and get a job. Geez.

Ok, moving on....

Or maybe it is all of that combined (minus the "there are no jobs" rant.)? But it sucks. I've lost my "desire to run" feeling and I need it back because I've never been good at sticking with something I really don't like doing.  C'mon Spring and sunnier days. No matter if that is part of cause of this or not it wouldn't hurt!