Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Updates and important info!

Apparently I went on an unplanned blogging hiatus. It has been months since my last post on here or on Antonio's blog (with the exception on last nights post). If you want to hear all about how Antonio's doing head on over to his page. If you don't want to do all that work (really?), just know four is treating us well and he is great and loving school.

The last time I left off I was getting glasses and was going to attempt to go dairy free.

I got my glasses and they do seem to help when reading (magazines or the computer). In fact when I don't use them I get headaches. Antonio says I look like "a person", whatever that means. I guess its better to look like a person than a cow or something else, right? I'll take what I can get for a 4 year old!

My attempt at going dairy free has worked well. I feel good. I miss ice cream, like real ice cream, like nobody's business. And when I make a grilled cheese it take every ounce of will power not to eat a piece of cheese. They (again, who do they think they are?!?) say that after awhile I won't crave it or even want it. Well how long is awhile because I may not actually crave it, but I salivate when making a grilled cheese for Antonio. What is wrong with me?! Anyways, I have managed to survive with out so far. Hooray!

For the two bits of important info:

One. If you missed it on FB last night, my step-brothers non profit is now a charity you can automatically "give" to when you shop on Amazon. For everything you buy, 1% of it goes to his non profit. If you don't know about it, it is the Childrens Law Center of Washington and he does amazing things. Basically, for families who cannot afford the legal fees of adoption he (and his team) provide free or low-cost legal services to them in order for them make their family permeant and legal. It's pretty great. So many kids have permeant homes now because of this and they no longer have to worry about being taken away from what they know and need. All you have to do is link up your amazon account and it automatically donates 1%. It's that easy!! Here is the specifics from his CLCW FB page:

ATTENTION AMAZON SHOPPERS! Did you know 1% of what you spend on Amazon could be donated back to the CLCW at no cost to you? It is true. Thanks to Amazon, now when you shop on amazon using the url:, you can select our clinic (search for us using these words: "Childrens Law Center Of Washington Ps") and it will remember your selection. It costs you nothing and now 1% of your shopping can help kids find permanence! Please sign up and spread the word! Remember, it only works if you shop on amazon via the "" URL.

So if you plan on shopping, or already shop, on Amazon, link up your account. I did it and it only took maybe 15 seconds. SO EASY! Please go do it before you order another thing. It doesn't cost you anything extra.

Two. Omar got a new job with the Detroit Tigers! If you haven't read about it click here. If I understand this right, he will also be a first base coach. So when the Tigers come to town you'll know where I'll be sitting; and cheering for the coach! :)  As soon as we can buy tickets we will! Already looking forward to it!

Now, if you are still here reading, thanks but now go to Amazon to link up your account so you can donate! I'm done here; so go...NOW!