Saturday, December 28, 2013

I want a "do-over"

Christmas always has such a big build-up. And it's usually a build-up to Christmas morning and within an hour or so you are either on a "christmas high" or left feeling completely let down. I saw a lot of people on Facebook and Twitter complaining about a "Christmas hangover" even though they didn't drink anything.

I felt the same way.

This was the year of duplicate gifts too. I went to 3 separate gatherings and at each one, at least 1 person received a duplicate gift. It was weird (and dissappointing), rarely does that happen.

Antonio asked for two things from Santa; a Buzz Lightyear and a guitar. At the Schneidler get together, his cousin Anna drew his name (all the cousins draw names and exchange gifts) and just happened to have a Buzz Lightyear (and two Jessie's)! So he got that from her and he was happy. In fact Christmas Eve we went over to our neighbors for a bit and he, our neighbor asked Antonio what he wanted; Antonio told him but then said that he already got a Buzz Lightyear but not the guitar and that was ok. Apparently he thought THAT was Christmas. He was so causal about not getting the guitar and so we explained that Santa hadn't even come yet. It was good to know he'd be ok without!

Well Christmas morning came and of course Santa brought his guitar. He exclaimed, "I got everything I wanted!". Then turned around to point at all the other gifts saying, "I didn't even want all the other stuff." Point taken kid; next year we will only get what he asks for. It will surely save us some money! :) So that alone was awesome. Antonio got what he wanted and he was so happy!

However, it went downhill fast from there. We went to my Aunts for the afternoon and dinner only to have to leave before dinner because Antonio got sick. Not just not feeling good, but throwing up. :(  It was awful. We quickly gathered our things and left. We were home by 5, without a Christmas dinner. Poor Antonio looked terrible too. Happily he woke up the next more feeling better! Phew.

Christmas eve we did nothing. Albert and I both ran but that was about it. It was nice but looking back, I wished we had done something Christmasy. A part of me feels robbed out of the Christmas fun. In the sense that Christmas Eve we did nothing then Christmas morning came and went only to be home before 5 with no dinner and then just like that it was over. :/

I want a do over.

I would have us all do something as a family, maybe a new tradition, on Christmas Eve. Christmas day have it not be so rushed (arrived late at my Aunts then left early) and not have Antonio get sick (obviously) so he could have fun with his cousins and then have a big yummy dinner. Sigh. I know we don't always get what we want and things definitely don't always go how we want them to (or expect them to), especially with a kid. But I LOVE Christmas time. We usually keep all our decorations, tree included, up until after New Years but Antonio asked it we could take it all down today and I was strangely ok with it. It was just a weird Christmas this year.

I especially can't wait for next year now; it will bet better.

Only 362 more days until Christmas! :)

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Count your blessings

It's 10 days until Christmas.


Are you ready?! Happily, I am all done shopping except for 1 gift; a gift card, so it's easy! I am so excited! This is, by far, my favorite time of year. All the excitement, happiness and food, don't forget all the cookies, cakes and now that Albert doesn't eat meat, MEAT!! Really. I look forward to going to peoples house for meals in hopes there will be meat now! Ha!

I have also realized over the past couple weeks how incredibly lucky I am. I have an amazing husband and kid; my little family of three is perfect. We both have a job and a roof over our heads. We also have had no real tragedy happen to us. In the past couple weeks I've had some friends and family share their sad, new realities with me. I feel so badly for these people but because of all the grief I've heard I've also realized how incredibly lucky I am.

My Uncle (my Dad's brother) passed away last week due to a very long struggle with diabetes. A friend of mine has become a single Dad with a young, special needs daughter, whom he shares custody with his ex. Albert's co-workers wife, will be taking their 2.5 year old to spend time with her family out of state (she is a stay-at-home Mom) over Christmas because her Dad is very ill and could pass away any day now. So he,Albert's co-worker, will be alone over the holidays because the wife isn't sure when they will be back. :(  (Luckily his family lives very close)

These situations are just some of the sad realities I've heard about recently. I'd give almost anything to  take away these peoples (including the ones I didn't mention) pain. So count your blessings people. I mean really. You may not get (or receive) that perfect gift this Christmas for (or from) someone or the stress of it all may get you down but at least you have your spouse and/or your family with you. It's the little things we need to remember and appreciate, especially this time of year when the focus is so much on family.

My Dad however, is slowly reuniting with his family he was stripped from so early in life. As I told my cousin, her Dad is now with family he hasn't seen in years. My Grandma passed away when I was very young, then it was my Dad. About 10 years ago my Grandpa passed away, then this Fall my Aunt and now my Uncle. I hardly knew my Uncle, he and his family lived in Montana for as long as I can remember but I still feel his loss. I am incredibly sad for my cousins and Aunt who now have to learn to live without him. Please pray for them, pray for them to get through the holidays with as much happiness and love as possible.

Getting together with family may not be your favorite thing to do; it can be stressful or even miserable for some but they are your family. Remember, someday, they will no longer be here. Hug the ones you love a little tighter this holiday; because you can.