Last year I noticed that instead of a new years resolution, some people chose a "word" for the 2016 year. Personally, I've never been a fan of the whole new years resolution thing, I feel like they just set us all up for potential failure. Honestly, I didn't really get the idea of choosing a "word", it seemed weird to me. This year I think I understand it more and actually kinda like it. Then again, maybe I don't understand but I have found my own interpretation of the idea. Here's how I see it:
↠ There aren't any specific things one has to do, or not do. It's more of a theme to live by for the upcoming year instead of an actual action like loosing weight, saving money, traveling or exercisng more, etc. Which we always seem to fail at in way or another.
I feel like with having a word for the new year it can cover a broader spectrum, more of a general idea. So whats my word for 2017 you ask?
To have courage.
As some of you know I've been struggling with making a decision in whether or not to sell LuLaRoe. I've been doing a lot of research and yet still can't make a decision. Many of you know I struggle/battle with anxiety...
As some of you know I've been struggling with making a decision in whether or not to sell LuLaRoe. I've been doing a lot of research and yet still can't make a decision. Many of you know I struggle/battle with anxiety...
Every. Single. Day.
Because of that, making this decision has been even harder for me. Earlier this year I had a friend send me a "saying" she had posted on her timeline. I printed it out and framed it. I thought it was a good daily reminder for myself. Then this Christmas I received the "courage" willow tree angel from one of my dearest friends who knows me better than I probably realize. I didn't realize at the time I received it how very perfect it was for me. ❤

I have been seeing a therapist for my anxiety for about 4 months now and it has helped me in ways I didn't expect. She has helped me realize what causes my anxiety, which is a first step. Well not the actual causes but more of what fuels it: fear, all "what if's" (fear of the unknown) is HUGE, what everyone else thinks and lack of control. If I can find the courage to just do things without letting all the fear consume me, that would be half the battle, if not more. ☺
2017 will be the year I hope (<----see, theres that fear of committing) to have courage to make decisions (1 in particular right now) and do more. Go out more, experience more, enjoy more (without being in a constant state of anxiety), have the courage to say "no" more, not be so afraid of failing and be able to be me more without the fear of what others think.
Yikes, all that seems so scary and takes a lot courage....
Wish me luck.