Friday, June 14, 2013


Running has been so hard for me lately and I'm not sure why. Its frustrating. At first I thought it was because I had gotten so out of routine and my body wasn't used to it but I've been back at it for a couple weeks now and it has not gotten any easier. I used to be able to run 3 miles without out much trouble. Now, most of the time 3 miles is rough. My legs just get so tired that I am pushing myself to finish without walking all the way home. I am hoping part of it is due to allergies and that once the "season" is past I will be good again. But then I realize there is a good chance my allergies have nothing to do with my legs getting so tired. :/  If it continues to be this hard I wonder just how long I will keep convincing myself to run.

Every once in while I try to remember how I got through allergy season last year but then remember I had started running after Antonio's birthday; so it hasn't even been a year yet. I am trying to stick with it, at least through the allergies to see. I've thought about compression socks but I am not sure that they will help. I've heard they help with "tired" legs but I am guessing that is for running long distances and well I am not sure I want to spend the money for them not to work. So we will see. Fingers crossed something works because the running has helped me lose weight and somewhat keep it off! That is what has kept me running even though its been super rough!

Fingers crossed it gets easier!

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