Sunday, March 29, 2015

My love for EO's.

FYI. This will be my one (and only intential) "plug" for the oils. Sure, I will (and have) mention them from time to time on FB but this will be my actual "plug" for them.

I chose to purchase Young Living essential oils back in October last year and am so glad I did. It was a huge leap of faith into something I wasn't sure would even help me, never mind the chunk of change I was putting down for them. Albert wasn't as sure as I was about jumping in but he was ok with it. I chose Young Living vs the other companies out there because they are the only "seed to seal" company. Meaning they doing everything from planting the seeds to filing and sealing the bottles. All the other essential oil companies have to buy their oils from someone when YL has their own farms all over the world and has full control over the process. They are a very transparent company; you could even go to their farms and what the process if you wanted.

As some of you know I had originally bought them to help battle my anxiety and panic attacks. They have helped quite a bit. It hasn't stopped either from happening but stop both from getting worse. There are a couple oils I apply every morning and every time I go anywhere. Then when I can feel myself starting a panic attack I have my "cherry on top" that helps calm me. I still feel anxious and panic attacks still show their ugly heads, but, the oils help me battle through without either getting worse.

I have absolutely fallen in love with my oils. Not only have they helped with my anxiety and panic attacks but have found much relief in fighting illness, allergies and tummy ache's. They have helped get rid of acne, helped us sleep and have even helped Alberts very tired legs after long runs. They even broke a fever Antonio had and brought it way down in just a couple hours without tylenol; I was amazed! And these are just a few things I have found to use them for. They are amazing and I am not sure what I'd do without them now. :) I have made soap, and lotion with them too. The lotion is a tad bit greasier than I like but once rubbed in, it's amazing. The soap is great too. No more Bath and Body Works soap for us. (That alone will help the oils pay for themselves! :))

There are so many oils for so many different things. When you sign up to become a member you can get what they call a premium started kit which it includes all the oils in the everyday oils picture below and a diffuser. I had no idea at the time what an amazing deal this was! I use my diffuser every single day and quickly found ways to use all the oils.

There are so many oils for so many different things. When you sign up to become a member you can get what they call a premium started kit and it includes all the oils in the everyday oils picture above and a diffuser. I had no idea at the time what an amazing deal this was! I use my diffuser every single day and quickly found ways to use all the oils. I apply stress away frequently throughout my day. It does exactly that, it helps me relax. It is one of my anxiety staples and apply it when I start to get stressed at work or even when I help Antonio with his homework. Because all of us who have helped a kid with homework know that can get stressful. ;) After I apply it I actually find myself more patient and less frustrated/stressed. Its amazing.

I use peppermint for tummy aches on both Antonio and I and it works wonders. Pan away is Albert's friend after long runs. It tends to smell like BenGay but without all the nasty chemicals! I use purification on any acne I get and it seems to get rid of it within a day! Thieves is our friend too. I apply it on the bottoms of our feet whenever we start to feel sick, while we are sick or if someone around is sick. It helps boost our immune systems. Thieves was actually created based on research about four thieves in France who covered themselves with clove, rosemary and other aromatics while robbing plague victims! Crazy! Lavender is amazing to help relax you and sleep good. It's also become a proven owie reliever for Antonio. Peppermint and lemon are my favorites to diffuse in the morning to help us get going in the mornings on the weekends. Lemon, peppermint and lavender are the allergy trio that help cope with allergies and help breakup congestion and sinus pressure.

I received a travel size oil bag for Christmas from my cousin and it has been awesome. I use it every day to carry a handful of oils I wouldn't dare leave hime without. Those being: Stress Away, Peppermint (for tummy aches and headaches), Lemon and Lavender for allergies, and my Xanax blend I made from about 5 or 6 different oils.

Yes, essential oils are a huge trend right now but I think this is one of those treads that will stick around for years, you just may start to hear less about them because people will be using them in everyday life as a norm. If any of you are interested in learning more, please shoot me an email or DM on Facebook. I would love to answer any questions you may have. I know you would love them as much as I do and find as much benefit in using them as I have and maybe even more. I know its seems "trendy" of hippie - like but these oils are amazing. They are not cheap, but in the long run can save you money and you aren't putting harmful chemicals in your body! A win-win! :) You don't have to become a member to try them. I submit a monthly order and would be more than happy to order an oil or two for you if you are interested! :)

But wait, theres more....

No, just kidding, there is no more. :)

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