Monday, November 14, 2016

Reasons, I wish I knew

Sappy post alert.

I'm a huge believer in "everything happens for a reason". And as per the usual, you never know what that reason is at the time but usually (hopefully) looking back you see it. I've been incredibly lucky to have met some amazing ladies since leaving MM. Some of which I've been lucky enough to become good friends with. They seem to have come into my life just when I needed them and have helped me become a better friend, Mama, and person. All of their friendships have been loving, understanding, genuine and most of all, supportive. They have shown me it is possible for women to be supportive and encouraging to each other and not judgmental and mean.

Women often mention their "tribe" of close friends or "my people" and I never really knew what it was like, until recently. My "group" isn't big, maybe 5 or 6 but that is ok because its 3 or 4 more than I had two years ago. However, I recently found out I am losing one of them and I kinda feel like I got sucker punched...

My initial thoughts were selfish and angry because she just came into my life. The more I thought about it, the more heartbreaking it became because she, without her really knowing, had become "my person". Our friendship evolved slowly and quietly and at some point, unbeknownst to me, she became that person in my life and I hadn't really realized that until she told me she was moving. ♥

Just typing this and thinking about her leaving puts a lump in my throat and quiver in my chin.

Just by being around her you want to be a better person and every time she leaves you feeling better about yourself and you think, "Man, I just love her" and I do; so much. She is truly 1 in a million. ♥

The next couple months before she officially leaves will be hard but I am going to do my best not to put up those walls. Because as most of you know, thats just what I do, I put up walls, really big ones and I distance myself so I don't have to deal with the heartbreak.

Happily I do have a few other friends who are pretty amazing too. I'm pretty lucky and I am pretty sure I hit the jackpot of when it comes to friends.☺ I've never been one to have a lot of friends, for me its quality over quantity. I pick and choose my friends pretty specifically so I tend to have quite a few "aquaintance friends" but really only have a handful true friends; friends who I would give the shirt off my back for.

This move will be an amazing opportunity for her and her family so I am happy for her. One that they would be crazy not to take so I know her reason for leaving. What I don't understand is the reason she was put in my life, when apparently I needed her so badly, only to be taken away so soon. I know the positive impact she has made on my life but why take that/her away? (see, here are my selfish thoughts and questions.)


Yes, I know she isn't dying or anything tragic like that but no matter how much you try to deny it, distance, on any type of relationship, changes it and usually hurts it... She has become not just an everyday friend but hopefully a forever friend. ♥  I've come to grips with that fact she is leaving (I think) and that I can/should put on my big girl pants and turn my emotions to happiness and excitement for her. Because after all, it is exciting and will be such an amazing opportunity for her and her family! I will deal with (or maybe not. ha!) the goodbye when it happens. Regardless I will miss her terribly and just wish I knew the reason as to why she came in to my life only to "leave" so soon. If someone would just say, "She came in to your life to <blank> and now is leaving because <blank>, but <blank>." I would take all this much better...I think. ☺

1 comment:

  1. We so know what you are going through! Our good friends to both Bill and I moved away almost 1 year ago. I still tear up about it (& had many tears upon learning of the move and the months following). But yes, we know the move was a good thing for their family, but it still hurt so much because they had both become good friends and have left a lasting impact on both of our lives! (Here I am tearing up again..) Don't feel bad about grieving. Hang in there, it will be tough, but does get better, and thanks to social media/texting easier for long distant friendships! :)
