Wednesday, November 25, 2015


I am thankful for so much.

I am thankful for my health, I know, I know, everybody says that; but it is true. I battle anxiety pretty badly and it tends to hold me back from a lot but over all, I am healthy and so are my boys. As many of you know I am about to turn 38 and that is about the age when my Dad was really getting sick. Thats been weighing heavily on me lately and again, another reason to be thankful for my health. I have it and get to continue to watch Antonio grow up and live my life with Albert. So thankful. Which leads to being so thankful, well grateful is a better word, to having my Mom healthy and living closer. (Thankful for no ferry lines this year too. :))

I am also thankful to be able to able to stay home with Antonio. It is something I have wanted to do from day one and I wasn't sure I would ever get to, but thanks to Albert working so incredibly hard for us, I can. It has been so rewarding. I get to have breakfast with Antonio and walk to the bus stop with him every morning and then be there when he gets off the bus and comes running to me. Now that I am working so much, maybe to much, with the PTSA at school,  I get to see him periodically through the day and that makes us both so happy! I am one lucky Mama!

That leads to my next thing; the PTSA. Yes, I am actually thankful for finding it and joining it. It has consumed my life right now and I have done none the things I was looking forward to doing once becoming a stay at home mom but I enjoy it. It gets me dressed and out of the house pretty much every day! :) I have also met an amazing group of ladies that I know I would have never met otherwise.

Last but not least, I am so thankful for Albert. He works so hard for Antonio and I and has been so patient with me while I try to find balance between the PTSA and trying get all the things done at home. We are so lucky to have him in our lives.

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