Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Oso Strong

Man, I just find this so heartbreaking, so tragic. When I first heard about it I blew it off. At first, it was just another landslide and after all the rain we have had in the last month there's been a a lot.

I kept hearing more and more.

Then I saw a picture. Then another.

This was not just another mudslide; this was huge.

And so close to home.


Then I thought, "Oh my gosh. My Aunt and Uncle live off of 530!"

Sadly I realized I had no idea where since I hadn't seen them in years. (another post for another day) Thanks to Facebook I quickly found out they were fine, as were my cousin and his family who also live near the slide area.

I've read so many sad stories of the loss and the missing. That story of the 4 year old boy who was rescued. The boy's Mom was not at home but at work but the rest of the family is still missing. That poor boy. The fear that he experienced. Ugh. I can't even imagine. (Insert lump in throat.)

The Mom. She lost everything. Her husband, her other children. I can't imagine the pain...I just can't.

Then the Grandma, the firefighters wife, who was watching her 4 month old grand-daugher.

The people who were "just driving" on 530 who got swept away.

The list, the stories, they just go on. Each one just as heart breaking as the others.

Today I went into work. I was not prepared for the stories to become real. The driver of Darrington Hardware. Normally happy and upbeat, looked full of grief. A friend of his is missing....

A customer came in and the transaction started out normal. Then at the end he brought up the slide. His teenage son plays indoor football in Marysville, with the older brother of the 4 year old. Ugh. You could see his heart was broken. He mentioned that his son's team was to be at a game in Spokane Saturday, but it was canceled Friday. That family (of the 4 year old) would have been there, not at home when the slide happened. He knew that family, talked to them numerous times at the football games. He said the team have yellow ribbons to put on their jersey's. Yellow was the kids favorite color.

These people who have been affected, they aren't just in Oso or Darrington. They are everywhere; in all our local communities. Take the time to smile a little more frequently because chances are, at least one person you see will be somehow heartbroken by something in their life. Remember to kiss those you love and remind them just how much they mean to you because you just never know.

And pray for those who have lost family members, friends, or co-workers and for those who are still missing. They say some may never be found, again, I can't even imagine and I am so thankful I don't have to.

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