Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Sunday I have my very first "race". It's The Biggest Loser Run/Walk 5k (and marathon/half marathon but I am obviously not doing that). Happily its titled as a run/walk because I am no way ready for it. I have been out of running for a month and not because I haven't wanted to but because I have felt awful, partly due to trials of 2 separate anxiety meds. Basically Albert has been a single parent for a month and has been awesome at it.

Regardless, my run is Sunday, yes this Sunday and I have only "run" (more like walked) a total of 3 times in the past month. Today's run/jog/walk was the longest, at just over 3 miles so I know I can at least make it that far. ;) Prior to this month I ran a 5k on pretty much every run I did so I wasn't to worried about this one. In fact, my plan was to train for this one to be my fastest 5k. Well, now it is more like just trying to finish it at my old, "normal", time. Sigh, so disappointed. For awhile I was worried I might not even be able to do it; I was so weak. But I am starting to feel better. My strength still isn't like it was but its closer.

This is partly why I've never done 5k races in the past, to much pressure. I like doing things in my own time, on my own way. I hate pressure, it gives me major anxiety, just ask my husband. I usually freak out or cave when up against a deadline/time/pressure. The Biggest Loser run should be fun and is definitely not a serious run in any way. Heck, the 5k has to be done at at least a pace of 30m/per mile; thats 30m to go one mile. I am pretty sure most could do that. Most races have a much faster required pace. So my goal is to run as much of it as possible and finish. Today's run was done in just over 40m so I should be able to do at least that; fingers crossed. It's supposed to be cold (high of 64) and rainy Sunday, so I am just hoping its dry enough for me to run and be done. I've run in 25 degrees before so temperature isn't to much of a concern, its the rain. I have no water repellent running gear because, well, I never run when it's raining...

So pray for me that I run it ok and that it stays dry. The race starts at 8:30 and I should be done before 9:30, so after 9:30 it can pour, just nor before please. :)

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