Sunday, October 26, 2014

Probiotics, essential oils and anxiety

As some of you may have read in a previous post, here I have been battling anxiety for awhile but it had gotten really bad over in the last year or so. I finally talked to my doctor about it and she perscribed me on two meds, Zoloft and Prozac, separately of course . Both gave me awful side effects even after trying them for a couple weeks each so I stopped taking them. I was desperate to find something else that would help. My friend Trisha on FB commented to me a few times that essential oils are amazing and that they will help with it and a lot of other things, blah, blah, blah (thats what I read then, ha!). Essential oils are the big trend right now and I was not jumping on that bandwagon. I don't know what it was she sent me that made me really take notice but something did and the fact I was desperate to find something that would help battle it probably helped. So I looked into it. Albert, being the vegan and SUPER "clean" and also very against me taking meds, gave me a few studies to read/watch. Of course diet is a big one a but also probiotics, essential oils and massage. I haven't convinced him to let me frequently get massages but I was interested in that the studies he was having me read were also mentioning oils. So I asked Trisha to give more info on these oils as I also asked around and did a little more research. To try them I'd have to buy a "starter kit" that included a diffuser and oils. I wasn't ready to put out the money for something that I wasn't even sure would do me any good so I thought about it awhile more.

I finally decided to take the plunge and order one. People that use them swear by them and there are SO many other ways to use the oils I figured that if it didn't help with my anxiety I'd use it for something else. Well, I am here to say I am glad I did. I am not "swearing" by them yet but I'm starting to believe. The main thing I have really noticed is the peppermint oil that comes in the kit has helped calm my stomach. At work the other day I started to get an upset stomach and remembered I had my oils with me so I rubbed some on my stomach and within about 5-10 the stomach ache was gone! Maybe a coincidence but maybe not, regardless I felt better and thats all that mattered. The morning before my first time volunteering in Antonio's class I put some of the Peace and Calming oil blend in the diffuser and "put on" some other oils and went in. I had some anxiety but not nearly like I thought I would. Wow! I was impressed. Again, I'm not completely sold yet but it seems to be helping. I don't expect anything to get rid of my anxieties I just want them lessened and so far the oils have helped. There's a liquid Xanax blend (I am not kidding!) of oils that I am looking forward to trying. I just ordered a couple of the oils that didn't come with my kit that I need for it and can't wait to try it out. There are so many things they say oils can help with so I am looking forward to putting them to the test. Now I just have to get in the mindset to try the oils before meds!

Also, I got some probiotics and have been taking them for just over a week. They also seem to have helped. So far the main thing I have noticed is my morning coffee doesn't give me a stomach ache like it so often did before. A lot of the studies say the stomach is your second brain and a happy tummy makes a happy brain. The probiotics are very inexpensive compared to the oils so I did not hesitate on those. My friend Christina said she had been taking them, then stopped and within a short time could negativly feel the difference. I've had stomach issues my whole life that have only gotten worse with age and in the past week my tummy has generally been very calm and happy. :)

So far I'd say both the oils and probiotics have helped. It's only been about a week using both but so far I have noticed a positive difference which I'm impressed with. Thank you both Trisha and Christina for the suggestions and help. For those of you who care, I will try to write another update in a few weeks with how its all working, or not working. :) I'm praying that it does work and I'm not just in some sort of "honeymoon" phase with it. I would highly recommend the probiotics to anyone and the oils as well, especially if you want to naturally medicate yourself without medication. If you're at all interested I can tell you which probiotics I have (there are tons of different kinds). If you want to try to oils, let me know because if you mention my name (if/when you order a starter kit) I can get a $50 "credit" from the company! :) YAY!

Until then, keep the praying and positive thoughts going, I am sure that has helped too!

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