Sunday, November 16, 2014


So it's been 3 weeks since my last post and I've been feeling great. I have had very mild everyday anxiety symptoms and only once did I really start to have a panic attack and one other time did I really feel anxiety kick in to really high gear. The one panic attack I had was random, as they always are, and nothing really helped, I just had to go through it. However, it was very short lived and not to the extreme as others. The time I had high anxiety I was able to apply some oils and breathe my way through it. My everyday anxieties have definitely lessened. My running has been very sporadic so I can't credit it to that and my eating habits haven't changed but I have continued to use the essential oils. I'd like to think it has something to do with them. A lot of people have questioned me about them. Are they really working/helping or is it just in my mind. Well, if they aren't and it's completely in my head then, they are working! :)

A couple weeks ago I started to get a cold, sore throat, congestion etc. As soon as I felt the symptoms come on I started applying my oils and within a day and a half the symptoms were completely gone! I was amazed. Then Friday, I started to get a sore throat and runny nose at work. I only had my regular oils with me so as soon as I got home I oiled myself up! The next day, yesterday, I woke up feeling terrible. I was out of a couple of the major oils I would use to help with my symptoms but happily they were on order and were delivered yesterday afternoon. Yay! This morning I woke up not much better. I continued to apply my oils and everytime I applied them I felt better. It is just like taking medicine, I could feel my nose drain, yes it was/is that fast, and I could breathe again. Ahhhh....  And with the draining of my nose my sinus pressure lessened and I felt some energy come back. I still feel badly but also better. However, just like medicine about an hour or 2 later I start to feel terrible again so I repeat the process. Don't get me wrong, the oils did not cure me, I still feel like I am in the middle of a cold but I can feel the benefits of the oils.

I have come to realize my expectations of the oils were to high. All the people who use them, swear by them and use statements like, "they changed my life" and "we keep the illness's away". So when I did indeed get this cold I am in the middle of, I was discouraged, I thought if I used the oils somehow I wouldn't get sick. Ha! I also thought, "ok, I am sick so lets "cure" this with these amazing oils". They are amazing but I should not have expected them to instantly make my cold disappear, because they won't. The are an alternative to over the counter medicine and everyone (that uses them) has their own testimonials on what worked for them. Sadly, it's trial and error, but it is so nice knowing I am not putting chemicals in my body. I do however, feel like the oils work faster and more effectively than cold medicine. And as an extra bonus, when I look like I feel (yuck) I also smell good (peppermint, lemon, and lavender)! ;)

However, the fact I do feel the benefits from them makes me a believe in them for what I have used them for so far.  They seem to be helping with my anxiety and depression (I have felt happier lately and had a better outlook on life too) and do temporarily relieve my symtoms of my cold. Peppermint has been my absolute go-to for when my tummy starts to feel funny. I just apply some on my stomach and within about 5 min my tummy feels better! Peppermint is the one oil, so far, that I will swear by. It is AMAZING. I am still learning a lot with them and trying out new oils but so far, I love them!

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